Friday, July 9, 2010

Surgery in 2-3 weeks

This is Riley a few weeks ago, her cyst is much more noticeable when her hair is wet. I sent Dr Young a text saying her cyst is definitely bigger and wondering if we should go back to neuro. Later in the week sent him this picture... he said, it has gotten bigger! (today was the appointment, see below)

Just goofing around, girls were piling on me last week, but this picture shows Riley's cyst pretty well even with her hair dry. It's typically not very noticeable when her hair isn't wet.

This was today at the neurologists office. Keeping her busy until Dr Morris came in. Below is the information I posted on Facebook to update everyone.

Since the lump on her head where her soft spot is keeps getting bigger the neurologist, who last saw her in November, has decided that we should go ahead and remove the cyst. Keeping it in risks possible further damage to her skull from the lump constantly being there and whatever pressure that creates and causes the bone to ... See Moreeither wear away or not develop correctly.

All the research I have done, and I showed him my print outs today, point toward a "congenital epidermoid cyst over the anterior fontanelle". It is described as a rare lesion usually manifested at birth, surgery is mandatory and recurrence is rare.

They will have to put her under, of course, and put a tube down her throat for breathing as her face will be completely covered and masked off.

They will have to cut her hair on top of her head... bummer about that, but shouldn't be a scar other than wherever she parts her hair as the incision be 1-2 inches back going side to side.

They will remove the cyst and inspect the area to check on the skull. Dr Morris may secure a thin titanium mesh screen with screws to her skull if it appears that her skull is too thin or not fully formed where the cyst sits, he'll determine that when he gets in there.

The cyst will be sent to pathology just for good measure, they have already ruled out cancer etc... although I suppose anything is possible. From what I have seen it is likely a sac of fluid or something like that.

He said if surgery is morning she would likely go home that night.... evening she would probably stay overnight.

I'll keep everyone posted as we learn the date of surgery and of course when it is done and how things go.

I'm sure I'll be a nervous wreck for the surgery day, but other than that we're doing well. When Hayden saw Riley after our appointment she said "Riley bump all gone?" she clearly doesn't understand what going to the doctor for Riley's bump meant... seems that she thought it would be gone this go around. She is a super good sister and will likely be very protective when Riley is done with surgery and is all bandaged up.

So, really this is good news and I am anxious to get it scheduled and mostly to get her recovered and hopeful that the cyst hasn't done too much visual "damage" to her skull that might be visible and cause her to be self conscious as she gets older.
Here is an update/video on my YouTube page.

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oh, how time flies by....

